Introduce to you ''100% radiation free air tube hand free'' which will protect you from radiation
OK, if we continue using cell phone, how it hurts us in long term or short term? Below are the effects that may happen to us:
Blurred Vision
Lack Of Concentration
Memory Loss
Sinus Infections
Muscle Pains
"Hot Ear"
Chronic Fatigue
Behavioral Disabilities
Learning Disabilities
Weakened immune system
Drastic Mood Changes
Reduced Sex Drive
Possible solution 1:
Speaker phone - Most of the cell phones have this feature. We just need to make the cell phone speaker louder, then we can speak without direct touching cell phone with our ear.
But the quality of the sound is not so good, it sounds noisy. This is because the sound from the speaker will also received by cell phone microphone, this creates echo and make the person over the phone hear a very noisy sound. In addition, we don't have privacy when our phone conversation is opened.
Possible solution 2:
Hand free - The device provided by cell phone manufacturer, we just need to plug in and use.
many people think that they will avoid direct radiation from cell phone because cell phone is away from their ear. Unfortunately, Hands-free sets on cell phone could TRIPLE the amount of rays beamed into the head. Please refer to the news published on November 2, 2000 from CNN.
Now, we have a great solution to eliminate the entire problem above. Introduce to you ‘air tube hand free’. We are making a new device ‘hand free’ which is basically an ear phone device connected to a cell phone but the sound signal is not sent thru a wire (which may transmit radiation straight to your brain) with a plug-in connection but instead with a follow tube and a ‘clamp on’ connection, so it fits on most cell phones (the clamp on connection fits right over the place where you listen from).
It works on the same principle as kids who play with an empty water hose and talk through it with each other. its hand free, very light & sturdy and can be used in and office or car as well as something you can carry with the cell phone too.
A separate hanger come with the product so if you want to hang your phone on it in your car you may. It’s designed to attach easily to your car dashboard or desk and will hold any cell with the hands free device clamp on to it. The device fits comfortably in your ear all the while the phone is approx 32-42 inches away from your body!
手机辐射是否危害人体健康,一直存在着争论。手机厂商和电信专家几乎一致认为使用手机无害,而绝大多数生物学家、医学家、环保学专家却认为使用手机危 害人类健康。此前,一些相关实验由于设计不同,结果难以取得一致。其中一些实验认为,手机电磁辐射会引起神经衰弱、心悸胸闷、头晕目眩、精神不振等病症, 甚至可能诱发脑部肿瘤,危及生育能力,造成胎儿畸形。
据中国室内装饰协会室内环境监测工作委员会同志介绍,手机辐射对人的头部危害较大,它会对人的中枢神经系统造成机能性障碍,引起头痛、头昏、失眠、多 梦和脱发等症状,有的人面部还会有刺激感。在美国和日本,已有不少怀疑因手机辐射而导致脑瘤的案例。欧洲防癌杂志所发表的一篇研究报告也指出,长期使用手 机的人患脑瘤的机会比不用的人高出30%。使用手机超过10年的人患脑瘤的几率比不使用手机的人高出80%。另外,电磁波辐射还会影响正常的细胞代谢,造 成体内钾、钙、钠等金属离子紊乱。
有人喜欢晚上用手机聊天,睡觉时也把手机放在枕头边,这是不良习惯。许多女孩子喜欢把手机挂在胸前,这也是不对的。手机挂在胸前,即使在辐射较小的待 机状态下,手机周围的电磁波辐射也会对人体造成伤害。心脏功能不全、心律不齐的人尤其要注意不能把手机挂在胸前。电磁辐射还会影响内分泌功能,导致女性月 经失调。手机中一般装有屏蔽设备,可减少辐射对人体的伤害,含铝、铅等重金属的屏蔽设备防护效果较好。但女性为了美观,往往会选择小巧的手机,这种手机的 防护功能有可能不够完善。
匈牙利科学家发现,经常携带和使用手机的男性的精子数目可减少多达30%。有医学专家指出,手机若常挂在人体的腰部或腹部旁,其收发信号时产生的电磁 波将辐射到人体内的精子或卵子,这可能会影响使用者的生育机能。英国的实验报告指出,老鼠被手机微波辐射5分钟,就会产生DNA病变;人类的精、卵子长时 间受到手机微波辐射,也有可能产生DNA病变。
专家建议,男性手机使用者尽量让手机远离腰、腹部,不要将手机挂在腰上或放在大衣口袋里。有些男性把手机塞在裤子口袋内,这对精子威胁最大,因为裤子 的口袋就在睾丸旁边。当使用者在办公室、家中或车上时,最好把手机摆在一边。外出时可以把手机放在皮包里,这样离身体较远。
事实证明,手机辐射会对青少年脑部神经造成损害,引起头痛、记忆力减退和睡眠失调。而频繁玩手机游戏也有可能使孩子耳聋。英国科学家发表的一份研究报 告也表明,因为青少年的耳朵和颅骨比成年人更小、更薄,因此,孩子在使用手机时,大脑中吸收的辐射比成年人要高出50%。对一个5岁的孩子来说,辐射会渗 入其大脑50%的区域,10岁的孩子,辐射则会渗入其大脑30%的区域。如今手机早已脱离了只是具备电话沟通功能的意义,而手机短信、铃声、图片等随着各 路网站纷纷推陈出新,让很多中小学生沉迷其中。有的学生还利用短信功能在考试时作弊,这对学生学习及品德塑造都产生了不利影响。此外,青少年使用手机还容 易产生攀比心理,影响了青少年心理健康。
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